
Bitterness - Polygala amara L. (Fam Poligalaceae).

Plant product used. For medicinal purposes is used both whole plant and roots are harvested during flowering (in May, June and July).

The plant has the following characteristics: herbaceous plant, strong, growing in abundance in forests, pastures and hayfields in alpine and sub-alpine regions. The earth has a rhizome branched, yellowish brown outside, whitish inside, which extends a thick root, has leaves arranged in rosettes basilar. The flowers are grouped in spikes of blue, sometimes purple, red or white.

Healing action and the energy centers and channels of energy:
Plant (stems, leaves, flowers) energizes the channels of energy, energy centers and also strengthen the body. For treatment, stem, leaves and flowers will be used as a tea infusion in quantities of one teaspoon in water 400-500. Tea is drunk in several occasions during the day.
Presents a very large root of the chakra healing Swadisthana (s, c, d). For treatment, the root is used as a tea decoction in half a teaspoon amount and depending on the severity of the disease may increase the dose to one teaspoon. Tea is drunk in several occasions during the day.

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