Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria L. (Fam. Rosaceae).

Species description. Herbaceous plant that is in the ground a rhizome from which arises lignified aerial stem, straight, angular, branched at the top and 1.50 m. high until leaves are grouped in pairs, slightly arched. The flowers are small, white-yellow. Plant product used. The aerial parts are used for medicinal purposes, no woody parts. Healing action and the energy centers and channels of energy: Aerial parts of energizing effect, revived the energy centers: nabhi (s, c, d), Vishuddha (s, c, d), Ajna (s, c, d). For treatment, aerial parts will be used as a tea infusion of 3-4 teaspoons in quantity to 500 ml. water. Tea is drunk in several occasions during the day.

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