Calinul - Viburnum opulus

Calin - Viburnum opulus L. (Fam.Caprifoliaceae).

Species description. Tall shrub to 5 m thick, with branched stems. In our growing through shrubs and wetter forests. It has opposite leaves and nuat trilobite needle with sharp lobes. Flowers are white rosacea, blooming from May to late June.

Plant product used. The bark is used for medicinal purposes.

Healing action and the energy centers and channels of energy:
Bark has strong healing effect of Muladhara Chakra (s, c, d) and Swadisthana chakra (s, c, d). For treatment, the bark is used as a tea infusion of one teaspoon in quantity to 500 water. Tea is drunk in several occasions during the day

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