Seaweed is easily assimilated by the body, being low in fat but rich in mineral salts (potassium, iodine, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, silicon, phosphorus, boron), dietary fiber (alginate, laminarina, fukoidan), vitamins (A, B, C, E), amino acids and proteins.
Seaweed helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body, activating the thyroid function and circulation can be eaten either raw sanguina.Algele, dried, either in the form of supplements.
If used in cellulite creams, seaweed helps reduce subcutaneous fat, harmonious redistribution normal adipocytes, increase firmness and skin elasticity. Thus, the skin looking orange peel regains smoothness.
Algae are recommended in diets because they contain a number of polysaccharides (dietary fiber), which lower cholesterol levels and give a feeling of fullness, with the ability to moisturize a lot, boost immunity, delayed and premature aging are indicated for the prevention of various cancers.
Eat with regulariate, seaweed can dramatically improve your lifestyle, they can significantly improve physical and mental fatigue, anemia, endocrine disorders, rinofaringitele, allergies and various skin disorders, osteoporosis, sequelae after fractures, stress or fatigue.
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