One of the most famous healing of our time is Vanga. Her work does not need a special presentation. Her gift of clairvoyant, healing and prezicatoare is known by thousands of people who felt their love, they endeavor to serve the welfare and human health. Her reputation is immense, as proposed herbal recipes have several properties it extremely important. Since starting treatment when it is shown a beneficial effect of healing. In addition, all herbs and the proposed means of Vanga is a gift of land. After Vanga, everyone should be treated with herbs from the place where he lives, for people and plants are connected to nature in a harmonious whole. Plant does not propose to anyone foreign places.
It is good to remind us to keep our advice Vanga good health, knowing all that "it is better to stay away from diseases, than trying to heal."
Vanga tips:
"First, do not eat too much! If you would have to eat more, we would be endowed nature with two stomachs!"
"Do not leave children without liquid food" - soups, soups
"Rye is very important for today's diet"
"Eat more white foods" - milk, cheese, beans, eggs
"Drink tea forest more often"
"You can take as a disinfectant, before breakfast, 20-30 grams of brandy"
"Eat at least once a week and drink water boiled wheat which he cooked for you to have power"
"Down you earlier - 22 pm - and Rise early - 5-6 hours, which is the best time of rest, eliminating nervousness and stress"
"Move more and work more"
"I compete against chemical fertilizers measure, for the earth is already suffocated by poisons, will come a day when on earth will disappear various plants, vegetables, creatures - first onion, garlic, pepper, and milk from the bees will become harmful "
Medicinal plants and health care without any help if not exemplary cleaning cultivate a mind, if we do not strive to be better, understand him and love him every neighbor of ours.
Alopecia (temporary hair loss after an infectious disease or skin)
a) over hair washing well in advance pour boiling water to ivy (Hedera helix)
b) Wash your hair with clay and then for one month, the affected areas are massaged with lemon slices ripe little fire.
Alopecia (in children)
Take three roots, the size of an olive, rabbit sorrel (Oxalis acetosella), are given through a fine grater, pour over them 100 g pure alcohol or hard liquor of grapes. Allow to soak for a day and a night after that, with a clean cloth, cotton soaked in liquid, rub (rubbed) affected areas.
Alopecia (in a circle, children)
a) boil for 10-15 minutes, sparkle plant (Anagallis arvensis) in grape brandy.
b) in this liquid then soak a cotton cloth and rub (rubbed) affected areas several times a day.
They do so for one week, then boil watercress roots rabbits (Oxalis acetosella) with wash head for three nights in a row
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation physiological or pathological reasons)
boil leaves from 2 kg of dry onions in three liters of water, until the liquid acquires a dark red. Drink this solution each a cup of coffee in the morning or evening on an empty stomach.
a) collect, preferably in mid-March, when its curative qualities are maximum Buber water plant (Scrophularia nodpsa). Crush as better, then mixed with lard. Take a clean piece of cotton cloth, rub the mixture above and is wound on qît.
b) finely crush the dried root hellebore (Helleborus oderus). Make a dough of flour and water, stretching as ribbon - length and width as needed - so that they can wrap neck patient. Sprinkle on the powder of hellebore ribbon and wrap her neck patient. Above apply a clean cloth. In young children will not compress into more than a half hour to compress older children take two to three hours, repeating every 2-3 days until the inflammation disappeared. In adults compress take a whole night.
Water baths are the roots were boiled for Naples cyclamen (Cyclamen neapolitanum).
a) forest fine cook in a larger quantity of water, pour into a suitable container and placed over steam sick. The procedure is repeated daily until the inflammation disappeared.
b) boiling in water black mature plants (Kochi prostrate), pour a quantity of olive oil, after which the patient is placed above the steam
c) pour over greasy sheep wool boiling water and steam above sits ill
d) boil a raw cabbage. Once cooked place in a bowl right, pour boiling milk over it, and ill will sit above the mist.
Angina (inflammation of the throat and tonsils)
Once or twice a day will gargle with a glass of water, which dissolved ammonium chloride drop.
It gathers all kinds of fruit sour and unripe. Boil in a large bowl thoroughly. Once cooled pour water into a suitable container (without slip), the child will be immersed up to neck for half an hour. After being removed from the bath will be pork lard mixed with grape brandy and went to bed.
BURNS (old)
Beat the yolks of six eggs with six tablespoons fresh fresh butter, melted, until mixture becomes a smooth paste (like mayonnaise). Soak in the preparation of gauze tape, which is wrapped legs burned. The procedure is repeated several times.
Take twenty roots wild cyclamen (Cyclamen coum) and boil in ten liters of water. Since this water is put into a separate bowl 1-2 liters. The remaining water after it cools and without slip, bathrooms are morning and evening - first hands, and feet for half an hour. Then pour on his head three times, water was separated. The procedure is repeated until the pain killers. The same water can be used several times, after the first was reheated.
Cut a lengthwise dry onions. In the middle of the two cuts each pour a drop of tar, after which the two halves is applied to the sick place.
ASTM (preventive)
Avoid cold drinks, especially when a man is tired
a) 200 g honey mixed with olive oil and grape brandy. Drink a glass of this mixture each, three times a day.
b) is brewed with boiling water forty head of chives, until soft. Drain water and cover with half a liter chives olive oil. Rub until puree is obtained from a spoon is taken each morning and evening before meals.
ASTM (in children)
a) soften coltsfoot leaf (Tussilago windbag) dried in a pint of brandy, after applying the child chest.
b) Boil the dried flowers Coltsfoot (Tussilago windbag) - one teaspoon to two liters of water flowers - and wash the baby with the water. After bathing the baby oil with a mixture of one teaspoon of honey and a glass of brandy.
c) are held for one night forty leaves dried coltsfoot (Tussilago faffara), a pint of brandy. At bedtime, put the leaves on the breast of the child (the number varies depending on the surface to be covered), until the end leaves.
d) are held for one night forty leaves dried coltsfoot (Tussilago windbag), a pint of brandy. Then, at bedtime, treatment is as follows e) is placed on the first evening, a leaf on the breast of the child, and the next evening a leaf between the shoulder blades. Continue this way until the end leaves.
ASTM (early stage)
Lard Mix the crushed aspirin clean. The child's chest rub mixture obtained for ten consecutive days.
ATON muscles (in children)
Mix 400 g honey 20 g sulfur. With this mixture and massage oil (preferably by a specialist) throughout the body. When you sweat three times a child will be changed, covered with fresh bedding and left to sleep.
Buerger Disease (Tromboangeita obliterans)
Make a dough of cornmeal for polenta and mix with wine vinegar. The dough thus prepared is applied to the affected area.
Buerger Disease (Tromboangeitâ obliterans - early stage)
Mix wine vinegar red clay, spread the mixture on a cloth to clean the affected area is wrapped.
Heart disease (preventive)
Drink four times a year, a decoction of white hawthorn flowers (Crataegus monogyna).
Boil 2-3 leaves of coltsfoot / (Tussilago tartar) in half liter of fresh milk. Add a knife tip of fresh pork lard. Drink this mixture in a cup of coffee each evening before bedtime
Bronchitis (in children)
It is a Capatina peeled red onion, picks his middle and fill with candy juice. The child will eat a daily onion Capatina so prepared, until he recovers.
Bronchitis (in children - early stage)
It gives the child once a teaspoon of castor oil.
Mix flour with a little human milk, which take a spoonful each morning and evening before meals.
Second pear to eat and drink daily wild pears without sugar
Drink twice a day whey and fat removed from food dishes.
Take once or twice a day, each a spoonful of marmalade, fruit black shock (Sambucus negra), no sugar. If required sugar can be replaced with honey.
Weak (in children)
The water baths in which to boil Crăşătoare plant (Portulaca oleracea).
Weak (in children under 3 years)
They are spring, ten bathrooms with water in which they boiled walnut leaves.
Drink every morning, each a cup of decoction of dried beans
DIABETES (early stage)
Drink a decoction of the tops of Mur (Rubus son-ticosus).
Diabetes (Children)
The white mulberry flowers scalding (Morus alba), and the resulting water wash sick child.
It will drink several times a day, peppermint tea (Mentha piperita).
Boil for 10-15 minutes, int r a liter of water can take as much as three fingers, sparkle plant
(Anagallis arvensis). Drink for two or three days each cup, morning only.
Pain (acute shoulder)
a) mix two packets of incense powder with 50 g apple cider vinegar. A piece of cloth is imbued wool with this mixture and apply to sick place. The procedure is repeated for three nights in a row
b) a piece of cloth is imbued with gasoline wool and apply over the place ill. Than it fixes a hot copper plates, as far as can be supported. The procedure is repeated for three nights in a row.
a) Mix a teaspoon of sugar in a glass with water and drink before sleeping.
b) Wash the head with boiled water that wild Parsley (Pimpinella Saxifraga).
Headaches (chronic)
Boil in a larger quantity of water, thyme (Thymus vulgcris). In the evening, before bed, take his head submerged in this water for 10-15 minutes. Then pour water all over his body.
Headaches AND restless sleep
Boil 1-2 2-3 liters of water in leaves of Alosa (Aloe arborescens). Pour the resulting liquid for several consecutive nights, head and body.
Persistent headaches (in children)
Take a large putty Siminoc (Helichrysum has-narium), place a clean cloth bag in which to make a pillow. After the patient will sleep a night with her head, remove Chita will boil, and pour water on the baby's head.
PAINS OF IRON (with feeling and vomiting)
Dissolve in juice from lemon half a teaspoon of baking soda and drink.
Back pain
Finely crush an ancient Turkish tiles and is given by the sieve. Mix this powder with three egg whites, beaten well with a cup of tea with grape brandy yes. It is imbued with this blend of linen and wrapped her middle sick at night.
Leg pain
Boil in a large pot with water putty spotted clover four-leaf (Trifolium repens) after the water has cooled strain and add a tablespoon of gas. With this liquid foot baths are for 3-4 nights in a row.
Chest pain
Prepare a compress yeast bread dough from home, in which 100 g mix vinegar, oil 100g, 100g wine. Compress applied to sore places.
Grease back sick with honey, then rubbed vigorously until the honey resorption. The procedure is repeated the next day, until the disappearance of pain.
BACK PAIN AND shoulder blades
Take a rabbit skin, fresh peeled off, be rubbed with oil and sprinkle with paprika. Wind the patient on her back during the night
Krasimir Stoyanov - Vanga - natural treatments
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