Caution: Not for use by pregnant women, may be harmful to fetus.
Several species in our area. Perennial herb native to Northern America, Canada, Virginia to New England, north to North Dakota, south to Tennessee, Georgia. Found growing on gravelly shores, meadows, dry to wet thickets, roadsides, open woods.
Mountain-mint is an easily grown plant, it succeeds in most well-drained soils, including dry ones, and prefers a sunny position.
Plants are up to 5 ft. tall, usually branched on the upper half, growing from slender rhizomes (underground stems) usually in clusters. The lance to broad -shaped leaves are 1-2 inches long and light green turning to almost white as plant matures, slightly serrated, but usually smooth. Blooming in late summer to early fall, flowers are arranged in round, flat, tight clusters at the top of the plant. The 1/2 inch long flowers are whitish or pale lavender, the lower lip spotted with purple. Gather tops and leaves when flowers bloom and dry for later herb use.
A strong decoction is medicinal poured over festering wounds. Crushed flowers are placed on tooth ache and almost instantly kills pain. Very aromatic the herb is used in potpourri or burned as incense. Placed in a muslin bag it can be used as bath additive, and is said to be very soothing to irritated skin. Will freshen laundry when used in the dryer. Thrown in a drawer or trunk it will not only freshen clothing and blankets, but keep moths away. Sprinkle on carpets to freshen the whole house and is said to be a good natural insecticide, the plant does repel insects and is good for use in the garden. Crushed flowers are rubbed on clothing to repel insects.
This herb was considered powerful medicine and used by medicine men to revive the dead. Several native American tribes claim that the fresh crushed flowers, when stuffed up the nose of a person near death will revive them.
Karen's Comments
"An absolutely delightful mint often found on side of woods and in abandoned fields. I use for natural carpet freshener. Prevention Magazine had an article that said it is good as a natural insecticide. James Duke says he rubs it on his pants before going out in the woods.
Last summer I got the worst case of chiggers. Put a muslin bag of this stuff in a real hot bath and soaked in it for half hour, then got out and rubbed myself with vinegar and the itching stopped.
This mint can be grown from roots. I have not done cuttings yet. One of my garden friends fertilized his and it got huge like a bush about 6 feet tall and I have seen them taller in some places.
My intuition tells me that some day this plant will be used as an antidepressant because it has that kind of feel to it. To the touch the flowers by rubbing under the chin feel soft as velvet. If you see some of it when you are out walking I urge you to try it and see if you fall under its spell too "
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