Respect these rules and you have a health dream!
Do not eat fried foods. Yes no fried foods especially children.
Do not eat canned or smoked.
Avoid if possible in supermarket foods containing E's: dyes, preservatives and other enhancers. It seems hard but it is the beginning of a path of salvation from serious diseases. So do not eat meat of "trade" and how you can avoid meat.
Replace sweets with fruit. May be more expensive but certainly is healthier ... than a kilogram of sweets, better 200 grams of grape, apple or quince Romanian.
Eliminate white pasta. Eat cereal, bread black rye or bran
Eat fresh vegetables and vegetable protein (soy, mushrooms)
Eat at least 2 liters of water per day
Do not eat: sugar, coffee, alcohol and synthetic drinks.
Replace sugar with honey. If you do not have honey, use brown sugar or raw sugar. White sugar ... no!
For energizing drink green tea instead of coffee.
Eat more natural juices and herbal teas.
Drink every night before bed and upon rising the next morning drink: a glass of water with juice of 1 lemon and half a teaspoon of honey
Eat fresh dairy: yogurt, sana, kefir. Label study: does not contain E numbers, colors and preservatives
For gall bladder and liver detoxification, drink in the morning on an empty stomach: 1 tablespoon virgin olive oil mixed with a little lemon juice (then wait 20-30 minutes lying on right side) effects are extraordinary. Crises will disappear, biliary dyskinesia
Exercise, walking actively stimulates the action of the cardiovascular and metabolic processes in the body, intensifying the natural functions of waste removal
Try at least one day week to eat only "living food". So do not eat boiled or fried (cooked food) only nutritious foods in their natural state: fruits, vegetables, juices, nuts, raisins, figs, dates, whole grains, water, tea, etc.
If you will and want a deeper detoxification ... eat "live food" 5-7 days!
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